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Holy Days of Obligation

Solemnity of Mary                                                               January 1

Ascension of Jesus                                             40 days after Easter

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                         August 15

All Saints Day                                                                 November 1

Immaculate Conception                                                  December 8

The Nativity of Jesus (Christmas)                                December 25

When a Feast falls on either a Monday or a Saturday, the obligation is removed.

Days of Fast, Abstinence and Penance

All Fridays of Lent are Days of Abstinence (Abstinence means not eating meat.  All persons 14 and older are bound by the laws of abstinence.)

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are Days of Fast and Abstinence. (Fasting allows one full meal, but a light breakfast and lunch are not forbidden  All adults 18 and up to the beginning of their 60th year are bound by the law of fasting.)