Knights of Columbus

Council #11737 membership is open to men in the parish. Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. Some activities are the annual fireworks sale, providing scholarships for higher education, and assisting needy families in our community.
Adopting a seminarian, and religious novice, bi-annual road cleanup, co-sponsoring the parish annual social, coordinating the building and grounds upkeep, and all activities sponsored by the Knights nationally.
The Knights of Columbus was organized as a fraternal benefit society in New Haven, CT, in 1882 by the Reverend Michael Joseph McGivney, a curate at St. Mary’s Parish in New Haven, and a small group of Catholic men. The primary purpose of protecting the families of its members.
The Charter, granted by the State of Connecticut on March 29, 1882, has been amended to state:
“The purposes for which said corporation is formed are the following:
- (a) of rendering pecuniary aid to its members and beneficiaries of members;
- (b) of rendering mutual aid and assistance to its sick, disabled, and needy members;
- (c) of promoting social and intellectual interaction among its members; and
- (d) of promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and welfare and public relief work.”
Whenever and wherever there is a need for the strength available in an organized body of loyal Catholic laymen, the Knights of Columbus can respond by the very nature of its organization.